Resource Management and Planning Consultancy Services

Rere ki Uta, Rere ki Tai

The whakataukī, Rere ki Uta, Rere ki Tai, encapsulates the deep connection between the moana and the whenua — a relationship that reflects our enduring bond with people and place, now and into the future.

Established in 1981, Bentley & Co. is a leading consultancy in Planning, Resource Management, and Māori Advisory services, offering expertise nationwide. Our reputation is built on strong relationships, meticulous attention to detail, strategic insight, and a commitment to cultural awareness, all delivered through direct and pragmatic advice.

Drawing on our extensive experience and knowledge, we provide comprehensive guidance on all planning-related matters — from initial due diligence, strategic master planning, through to resource consenting, and policy development. Our strategic approach ensures decisive action and the delivery of tangible, measurable results.